英日字典: get_together
The get_together has 5 Senses.
- get together, meeting
- 寄りあい, 寄り合い, 寄合, 寄合い, パーティー, パーティ
- a small informal social gathering; "there was an informal meeting in my living room"
- 非公式で小規模な社交的集まり
- gather, get together, assemble
- 狩り集める, 駆りあつめる, 駆り集める, 駆集める, 揃える, 集める, かり集める, 狩集める, 集結, 寄せ集める, 聚合, 寄集める, 呼び集める, 結集する, 呼集める, 集合
- get people together; "assemble your colleagues"; "get together all those who are interested in the project"; "gather the close family members"
- 人々を一緒にする
- meet, get together
- 顔を合わせる, 会合, 寄り合う, 寄合う, 会する, あう, 会う, 集く, 寄る, 集まる, 会同, 寄り集まる, 集い合う, 集う, 会す, 逢う, 参集, 集会, 集合う, 集合, つどい合う
- get together socially or for a specific purpose
- 社交的に、またはある特定の目的のために集まる
- collaborate, get together, join forces, cooperate
- 協同, 協調, 連携, 和協, 戮力, 協力, 共同, 団結
- work together on a common enterprise of project; "The soprano and the pianist did not get together very well"; "We joined forces with another research group"
- 計画の共同作業を一緒にする
- join, get together, fall in
- 属する, 交じる, 加入, 交ざる, 参加, 入会, 交る, 相交わる
- become part of; become a member of a group or organization; "He joined the Communist Party as a young man"
- 一部になる
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